Song Name: | RamCharan New Telugu Dj Song Mix Dj Pavan |
MP3 Bitrate: | 128 & 320 Kbps |
More Remixes Of: | Dj Pavan |
As blogged before, the OM16 Agent APM Feature crashes IIS Application Pool when running under .NET 2.0 Runtime. Thanks to my Irish buddy Kevin Greene there are a few workarounds, worked out in great detail.
At this moment Microsoft has acknowledged this bug (AKA �hidden feature�) which will be addressed for certain with the release of Update Rollup #3 and perhaps even before that, with the release of a hotfix. However, the release of this hotfix is still under investigation and as such uncertain.
Want to know more? Read this article on the System Center Operations Manager Team Blog.
Torrent Size: | 13 MB |
Seeds: 105 Peers: 50 |
Review: |
Requires: |
![]() |
File name: nun_and_bus_joke.zip
File size: 2.52 kB
Driver ver: 2.1.7
File is 100% safe, uploaded from harmless source and passed Kaspersky virus scan!
Driver works with all Windows OS.
var URI = Request.getURI();
//This provides default values if not supplied by the TAF or initial Salsa page
var theTitle = "JVP: ";
var theFBshare = "";
var theFBshareTitle = "";
var theFBshareImage = "https://org.salsalabs.com/o/301/images/Salsa-Donate-Header-Logo.png";
//This section is needed on the regular Salsa template only
function getFbshare($path){
var redirect=$path;
newred = redirect.split("tell_a_friend_KEY=");
var tafkey = newred[1] ? newred[1].replace(/D+/g,"") : "";
var taf=salsa.getObject("tell_a_friend",tafkey);
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theTitle=ref.Reference_Name ? ref.Reference_Name : "";
return ref.Reference_Name;
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if(theFBshareImage=="") theFBshareImage="http://org.salsalabs.com/o/301/images/logo_fb.jpg";
return ref.Title;
function getTitle(){
var where = Request.getURI() ;
var match = /[a-zA-Z0-9-]+$/i.exec(where);
if(match == signup) {
match = null;
if(match != null) {
var shorturl = /[a-zA-Z0-9-]+$/i.exec(where);
var orderBy = Last_Modified DESC;
var conditions = [ new Condition(slug, IN, shorturl)];
var items = db.getObjects(publish, conditions, orderBy);
for each (item in items) {
} else {
var lists =Request.getParameterList();
for each (list in lists) {
var holdlist = list.value;
var orderBy = Last_Modified DESC;
var conditions = [ new Condition(table_KEY, =, list.value) ];
var items = db.getObjects(publish, conditions, orderBy,1);
for each (item in items) {
} // end for each
} // end match if
} //end get title function
if (Request.hasParameter("test")) {
//var reTest = db.getObject("action","18118");
// print(reTest.redirect_path);
var listsT =Request.getParameterList();
for each (list in listsT) {
if (!isNaN(list.value)) {
var orderByT = Last_Modified DESC;
var conditionsT = [ new Condition(table_KEY, =, list.value) ];
var itemsT = db.getObjects(publish, conditionsT, orderByT,1);
var refT = db.getObject("action", itemsT[0].table_KEY);
var redirectT=refT.redirect_path;
var newredT = redirectT.split("tell_a_friend_KEY=");
var tafkeyT = newredT[1].replace(/D+/g,"");
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var orgID = salsa.organization_KEY;
var action_KEY = Request.hasParameter("action_KEY") ? Request.getParameter("action_KEY") : 0;
var direction = Request.hasParameter("direction") ? Request.getParameter("direction") : "down";
if(action_KEY > 0){
var sigopt = DB.getObject("action", action_KEY).Signatures.toJSON();
//if(action_KEY > 0 && sigopt != "Do not show signatures") {
if(action_KEY > 0 && sigopt == "Show number and most recent signers") {
var query = "SELECT supporter.First_Name,supporter.Last_Name,supporter.City,supporter.State,supporter.Country,supporter_action.Date_Created,supporter_action_comment.Comment,supporter_action.Anonymous FROM supporter LEFT JOIN supporter_action ON (supporter.supporter_KEY=supporter_action.supporter_KEY) LEFT JOIN supporter_action_comment ON (supporter_action.supporter_action_comment_KEY=supporter_action_comment.supporter_action_comment_KEY) WHERE (supporter.organization_KEY = "+orgID+" AND supporter_action.organization_KEY = "+orgID+") AND ( supporter_action_comment.organization_KEY = "+orgID+" OR supporter_action_comment.supporter_action_comment_KEY IS NULL) AND supporter_action.action_KEY ="+action_KEY+" ORDER BY supporter_action.Date_Created DESC LIMIT 25;"
var handler = DB.sql(query);
var supporter_actions = handler.execute();
<div id="marquee" style="display: none;" direction="<?=direction?>" speed="1">
for each(sa in supporter_actions) {
if (sa.Anonymous !="1") {
print("<div class="petition_signer">"+sa.First_Name+" "+sa.Last_Name+" in "+sa.City+", "+sa.State+" "+sa.Comment+"</div>");
else {
print("<div class="petition_signer">Anonymous in "+sa.City+", "+sa.State+" "+sa.Comment+"</div>");
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#marque_div {width: 100% !important;}
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$(document).ready(function() {
var urly = window.location.pathname;
if (urly.indexOf("profile") > -1) {
$("#main").html(<h1 style="text-align:center;margin:10%;">To make changes to your information, please contact us at info@jvp.org</h1>);
if ($("body").hasClass("caltest")) {
$(.salsa label).css(font-size,14px);
$(.supporterInfo > br:nth-child(2),#salsa > br:nth-child(2),#salsa > br:nth-child(3)).remove();
if ($("body").hasClass("Yotest")){
var src = $("#descrivisit link download