Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Training Dog Tricks

After living with dogs almost my whole life, I have learned they are very intelligent. So, I though it might be fun to teach my dog, Gracie, some new tricks. She already knows basic commands, like sit, stay, and lie down, so I decided to teach her something more challenging: roll over. To help me with this, I checked out the book 101 Dog Tricks by Kyra Sundance and her dog, Chalcy.

Sundance suggests you "start with your dog in a down position" (31). Then, "move the treat from his nose toward his shoulder blade while telling him to roll over. This should lure your dog to roll on his side" (31).

Once your dog gets the hang of this, Sundance says to start introducing the hand motion. Continue to tell your dog to roll over, but instead of luring him with the treat, do a circle motion with your hand and reward with the treat after he has rolled over. (31)

I have attempted to teach this trick to Gracie before unsuccessfully. The reminders in this book that progress can be slow, and often frustrating, helped me realize that patience is the key to successful dog training (Sundance 12). If you have a pet at home, what have you found makes training successful?

Sundance, Kyra. 101 Dog Tricks: Step-by-Step Activities to Engage, Challenge, and Bond with Your Dog. Gloucester, MA: Quarry, 2007. Print.