Friday, June 29, 2018
nov 3 graham ord bez arts hub
nov 3 graham ord bez arts hub
Graham Ord has played a couple CHRISTMAS PRESENCES - thered have been more, but he lives far away now - and when he performs this Friday at Bez Arts Hub hell have Brett Ziegler on keys, who has played bazillions of Christmas Presences, and was our band leader for GODSPELL.

Nov 3
Bez Arts Hub, Langley
Doors at 7:00 Join us for bevies
Show at 8:00
tickets + info
The man, the legend, Graham Ord at Bez Arts Hub! His band, featuring monster barefooted bassist Peter Davyduck, the massively talented Brett Ziegler on keybaords, percussion and wind instruments, and powerhouse drummer Dan Oldfield. Grahams discography spans decades and continents from blues to rock to folk to gospel you wont want to miss the amazing evening in the perfect Bez performance space!
Presented in partnership with Mirror Arts Program and Creative BC