Friday, June 8, 2018
nov 5 jesus his story in stone mike mason book launch
nov 5 jesus his story in stone mike mason book launch
Mike Mason is a long-time friend of Pacific Theatre. We staged stories from his book THE FURNITURE OF HEAVEN way back in 1990, and his Christmas stories are an essential part of our CHRISTMAS PRESENCE celebrations. Ive been in a writers group with Mike since the late eighties, and last year I heard him read aloud a number of the pieces from his new book JESUS: HIS STORY IN STONE. They gave me new and tangible way into the life of Christ. Many were originally published on Mikes blog.

from Mike Mason...
You are invited to a Book Launch for Mike Mason�s new book Jesus: His Story in Stone. The evening includes a talk by Mike with a slide show, plus a book signing, PRIZES and DESSERT! Hard cover copies of this illustrated coffee table book will be on sale for $35 (cheaper than Amazon). A great Christmas present! Mike�s other books will also be available if your collection is incomplete. :)
The launch happens Sunday, Nov 5, at 7:00 pm at Sharon Chapel, 21562 Old Yale Road (Five Corners) in Langley. The chapel is the old part of the church, so please use that entrance. Plenty of parking in the lot across the street.
No tickets required�please join our celebration and bring your friends!
AND you can now order the book from amazon. A note for Canadian customers: The price listed on the main page is wrong. Please click on �7 New from CDN$ 36.78"�this is the correct price�and ignore the �out of stock� warning. There will be no delay in your order.