Wednesday, March 18, 2015
A New Challenge Self Portrait
As I was reading one of my fellow bloggers post and I was browsing through my recent pictures I figured out I could participate in one of the "tag youre IT!" games that bloggers have :)
Bonnie Rose is an expat like myself and she lives in awesome England :) I am a follower of her blog and I admit I love her style and her way of doing photos too. As she says also in her "About Bonnie Rose" Page she was born in Oxford, England and grew up in Europe moving every two to three years, due to being a daughter of an USAF officer. At the age of seventeen, she moved with her family to the United States, where Bonnie went on to University in 2001. Bonnie attended Harding University where she majored in Theatre with a minor in Ministry, and went on to study Cosmetology for a license in the beauty industry. Bonnie is married with two young kids.
She works now as freelance photographer in Bath, England focusing on her Bespoke Lifestyle Portraits and Wedding Photography in the Bath and Bristol areas of Sommerset, England.
P.S. Come on! BATH! Who loves Jane Austen will understand why I will hover to my bed now and start crying while holding my precious Period Books to my bosom :)
The idea of the game is to post on Saturdays a self portrait :) So.. here I am:

So... the idea of the Saturday Self-Portrait Challenge is to get the tripods and the remote controls and the self timer out and get your groove on while taking the picture for your blog :)
It has to be a portrait of yourself, done by yourself, but it does not need to be a picture from this Saturday (I selected one from last night). You can also link past Self Portraits on the blog you have ;)
So... Join the Self Portrait Saturday Challenge!!!
Link up with me and A Compass Rose with any post containing a Self Portrait you have taken of yourself.
The LadyBug :*